Post by J. L. Schilling
Jonathan Schilling
Looks more like a re-hashed press release than a review to me.
I am sure there has never been a question about how solid UnixWare is,
the big question now is 'why would you use it', or 'can you still use
The sad truth is that over the last several years my only contact
with SCO has been reduced to removing SCO from IT centres and replacing
it with AIX, Windows or Redhat. In my case, this change has been fueled
by the lack of support that SCO is recieving from the major players in
the database market.
Running around slapping law suites on anybody that even thinks about
Linux is not the best way to win friends and influence people, and more
importantly, re-gain the much needed support SCO needs from the other
major players in the market.
So while UnixWare is a good product, will the other major players
support it, or continue on the current chosen path of supporting the
other major platforms and excluding SCO. My guess is they will not.