1 missing floppy disk in SCO Development 3.2v4.2, i need your help.
(too old to reply)
Philippe Magne
2004-12-09 15:33:15 UTC
Dear readers i need your help,

I have the old UNIX SCO Development System 3.2v4.2 diskette package (3.5" 1.4
MB floppy disks) with the original activation key card.

However 1 disk is probably missing, i only have 10 disks, and when
installing with "custom", i never reach the end of the installation, i suppose
that one of them is missing.

I gave a ring to the national SCO seller and he said "this product is 10
years old, sorry we can't help you"...

If you have this package, you would be very kind to help me, i need an
image of the 11th disk that you could send me via e-mail.

The image copy can be done with :

dd if=/dev/fd0 of=vol11.img

Under windows you can also use the free disk imager "Floppy Image" (save as
"IMG" filetype). It is available here :


Thank you very much in advance if you can help me.

Best regards
Philippe Magne
Boyd Lynn Gerber
2004-12-09 18:40:22 UTC
Please see the post I made in comp.unix.sco.misc. I may be able to assist
you in this. I have to follow agreements with SCO.

Good Luck,

Boyd Gerber <***@zenez.com>
ZENEZ 1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah 84047
2004-12-09 20:26:08 UTC
Post by Philippe Magne
Dear readers i need your help,
I have the old UNIX SCO Development System 3.2v4.2 diskette package (3.5" 1.4
MB floppy disks) with the original activation key card.
However 1 disk is probably missing, i only have 10 disks, and when
installing with "custom", i never reach the end of the installation, i suppose
that one of them is missing.
I gave a ring to the national SCO seller and he said "this product is 10
years old, sorry we can't help you"...
If you have this package, you would be very kind to help me, i need an
image of the 11th disk that you could send me via e-mail.
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=vol11.img
Under windows you can also use the free disk imager "Floppy Image" (save as
Thank you very much in advance if you can help me.
Best regards
Philippe Magne
I might be able to help, let me dig through my stuff, I will be in

Philippe Magne
2004-12-10 07:05:43 UTC
Post by a***@att.net
I might be able to help, let me dig through my stuff, I will be in
Thanks a lot Abid, for the moment nobody sent me the image from this 11th
disk, if you can help that would be really nice.

Best regards
Philippe Magne
Brian Keener
2004-12-09 21:29:26 UTC
Post by Philippe Magne
Dear readers i need your help,
I have the old UNIX SCO Development System 3.2v4.2 diskette package (3.5" 1.4
MB floppy disks) with the original activation key card.

this is certainly curious - I received this same request yesterday from Philippe
Toillon via private email. Seems a little odd but I suppose there could be two
Philippe with the same identical story that work together. I had intended to
check and see if I could locate my development floppies and see if I could

Philippe - are you associated with the other Philippe or are these two stories
just really similar.

Post by Philippe Magne
I've read an old message from you (february 2003) in the newsgroup
comp.unix.sco.misc (copy below) and it appears that you have the
SCO UNIX Development system Release 3.2v4.2.
I have also this version with the original activation key card i bought
around 1995, however 1 disquette is probably missing, i only have 10
disquettes, when installing with "custom", i never reach the end of the
installation, i suppose that one disquette is missing.
I gave a ring to the national SCO seller and he said "this product is 10
years old, sorry we can't help you"...
Would you agree to help me please ? I would need an image of the
11th disquette that you could send me via e-mail, would this be
possible please ?
Philippe Magne
2004-12-09 22:28:42 UTC
Hello Brian,
Post by Brian Keener
Philippe - are you associated with the other Philippe or are these two stories
just really similar.
Indeed we work together, if you can help us you thank you very much in
advance. Of course you can send it to him or to me, as your prefer.

Best regards
Philippe Magne
Philippe Magne
2004-12-23 01:25:28 UTC

I finally reconstructed the complete disk #11 of SCO Development System
3.2v4.2 that was missing from my original package.

I explain here, maybe it could help.

First i needed the exact filelist of this disk #11, then i inserted the
first disk (#1) in the drive and extracted the file "soft" :

tar xvf /dev/fd0 ./tmp/perms/soft

In this file, each line ending with "[tabulation]11" corresponds to 1
file on this missing disk #11. Now we have the complete filelist of this
disk #11 :


As i had an old backup from my PC with SCO 3.2 + Development 3.2v4.2
installed, i could recover all that files except /tmp/init.xdev and
/tmp/init.man. Barry Swane and Boyd Lynn Gerber had the kindness to send
me the image of disk #11 from another development package 3.2v4.0d, i
extracted its files (tar xvf /dev/fd0), it contains mostly different
files compared to my disk #11, but includes init.man and init.386xdev. I
renamed this last one "init.xdev".

Also missing the null file that's here to tell 'custom' that it's the
right inserted disk, './tmp/_lbl/prd=unixds/typ=u386/rel=3.2.4n/vol=11'
(i compared to my disk #10 to deduct it).

Now i have all the disk #11 files of SCO Development 3.2v4.2.

But the total size is 1,85 Mb that exceeds the 1.44 Mb capacity of a
3.5" disk. I supposed there was a way to compress the files allowing
subsequently a normal tar extraction (tar xvf). I tried to compress each
non-text file with compress, e.g: 'cd ./usr/bin ; compress cdc ; mv
cdc.Z cdc', but if creating with 'tar cvf /dev/rfd0135ds18 ./tmp
./usr/bin ./usr/lib ./bin ./lib' the subsequent tar extraction let non-
text files compressed. However all files could then stay on the floppy

I read the tar manual and saw that there's a "C" argument allowing
compressed files to be automatically extracted with uncompression, then
i tried it : 'tar cCvf /dev/rfd0135ds18 ./tmp ./usr/bin ./usr/lib ./bin
./lib', and indeed the tar extraction uncompressed the files with 'tar
xvf /dev/rfd0135ds18' :-)

Then, to try my new disk #11, i had to start 'custom' and install first
the 10 previous disks. Once arrived to the disk #11, the computer
complained with the message : "Incorrect volume in device".

I made several tests and in fact the null file './tmp/
_lbl/prd=unixds/typ=u386/rel=3.2.4n/vol=11' has to be the first file on
the disk. Also, i saw that 'tar cCvf /dev/rfd0135ds18 ./tmp ./usr/bin
./usr/lib ./bin ./lib' creates empty directory records in the tar file
that we do not need at all. The right thing to do is to list file by
file when doing the tar :

tar cCvf /dev/rfd0135ds18 \
./tmp/_lbl/prd=unixds/typ=u386/rel=3.2.4n/vol=11 \
./usr/bin/cdc \
./usr/bin/gencat \
./usr/bin/sact \
./usr/lib/lint1 \
./usr/lib/lint.err \
./usr/lib/llib-ltinfo \
./usr/lib/llib-ltinfo.ln \
./usr/lib/libtinfo.a \
./usr/lib/libtermcap.a \
./tmp/init.core \
./bin/masm \
./tmp/init.enhance \
./lib/386/Slibtinfo.a \
./lib/Clibtinfo.a \
./lib/Llibtinfo.a \
./lib/Mlibtinfo.a \
./tmp/init.xdev \

And it works ! Before doing this tar, one must format and nullify the
3.5" disk that will become the disk #11 :

format /dev/rfd0135ds18
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rfd0135ds18 count=2880

Et voila. Thanks to all the great people who helped me !
Best regards
Philippe Magne

2004-12-11 17:30:57 UTC
Post by Philippe Magne
Dear readers i need your help,
I have the old UNIX SCO Development System 3.2v4.2 diskette package (3.5" 1.4
MB floppy disks) with the original activation key card.
However 1 disk is probably missing, i only have 10 disks, and when
installing with "custom", i never reach the end of the installation, i suppose
that one of them is missing.
I gave a ring to the national SCO seller and he said "this product is 10
years old, sorry we can't help you"...
If you have this package, you would be very kind to help me, i need an
image of the 11th disk that you could send me via e-mail.
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=vol11.img
Under windows you can also use the free disk imager "Floppy Image" (save as
Thank you very much in advance if you can help me.
Best regards
Philippe Magne
I pulled out my old 3.2v4.2 set and it consists of the following diskettes:
N1, N2
Games diskette volume 1

So which one is missing?

2004-12-11 17:36:16 UTC
Post by Philippe Magne
Dear readers i need your help,
I have the old UNIX SCO Development System 3.2v4.2 diskette package (3.5" 1.4
MB floppy disks) with the original activation key card.
However 1 disk is probably missing, i only have 10 disks, and when
installing with "custom", i never reach the end of the installation, i suppose
that one of them is missing.
I gave a ring to the national SCO seller and he said "this product is 10
years old, sorry we can't help you"...
If you have this package, you would be very kind to help me, i need an
image of the 11th disk that you could send me via e-mail.
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=vol11.img
Under windows you can also use the free disk imager "Floppy Image" (save as
Thank you very much in advance if you can help me.
Best regards
Philippe Magne
One more thing. If you load that version in original form, you will also
need to load the Y2K patches that were released (uod426). Check the SCO
ftp archives. They should still be there.

Philippe Magne
2004-12-13 18:01:51 UTC
He's missing one of the floppies in the Development System package,
not the standard O/S package. I assume from his original post that
he's missing the last floppy of the set, since he's used the other 10
and custom is still asking for one more.
Hello, you're absolutely right Bob, thanks anyway JP for your help. Still no
image of disk#11 on my side, Mr Gerber had the kindness to send me a disk
image (thanks a lot to him for trying to help me) however this image is not
from the same package and the installation cannot be finalized.

Thanks also to the other people who tried to help.

If somebody reads this message and has exactly the same alone UNIX SCO
Development System 3.2v4.2 package as mine with its 11 floppy disks, please be
kind and send me an image of the disk #11.

Thank you
Best regards
Philippe Magne