weird newsgroup stutter
(too old to reply)
Bela Lubkin
2006-04-27 20:53:38 UTC
Today I received 14 old SCO newsgroup messages, dating from last
November to this January, with the following subjects:

Subject: BackupEDGE: November 2005 Newsletter
Subject: cc and gcc under SCO OPENSERVER 5.0.5
Subject: How do I use "debug" in UnixWare 7.1.1
Subject: Jukebox SCSI passthrough?
Subject: Sendmail 8.12.9 cores on SCO UnixWare 7.1.x when NIS is
Subject: unlink permissions unclear
Subject: Xenix licence information.
Subject: [PE.IT] - SCO XENIX 386 Operating System - Vendo / Scam

I had previously received them (indeed the repeated messages included
a couple that I had replied to, and my replies). These were on
c.u.s.programmer, c.u.s.announce, c.u.unixware.misc, and c.u.xenix.sco,
but not c.u.s.misc.

This was probably caused by some reader's news reading software or
possibly transport software. Please check your setup to make sure you
aren't somehow reflecting old messages back to the net.

All of the glitch articles had Path: headers ending in:

Rob Turk
2006-04-28 05:34:19 UTC
Post by Bela Lubkin
Today I received 14 old SCO newsgroup messages, dating from last
Same happened here in The Netherlands. Weird...

